Connections That Count

Buzz is inspired by the honey bee network, using collective group intelligence build through relationships and sharing efforts for combining benefits. We believe a strong community is built on trust, reliability, and good referrals. Buzz expands your options to find you the best possible service providers
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Saas Webflow Template - Lyon - Designed by and
Saas Webflow Template - Lyon - Designed by and
Buzz is not just to find handyman, but any service professional...
We remind you on time

Proactive maintenance stitches savings; timely care trims costs.

Your unique search experience

Our app’s search functionality relies on your network connections. Specifically, it leverages reviews provided by both your first-degree and second-degree connections to enhance the search experience.

Discovery through like-minded connections

Your association with similarly inclined individuals leads you to identify precise service providers who can fulfill your specific needs.

Buzz is not just to find handyman, but any service professional that your family needs...

Largest network of reliable service providers

Looking for a trusted service provider? You're at the right place. Connect with the most reliable professionals in your area by joining the Buzz network today!

Recommend your service providers
To unlock top-notch services and incredible savings, follow two simple steps: 1. Add all the services to the Buzz app you would recommend to friends. 2.Invite all your friends, neighbors, and colleagues to the buzz app
Build your trusted  network
Connect and invite your friends and family to your trusted network. As your connections start recommending providers, you will see more quality options to choose and the best available services.
Access reliable service providers
The buzz community is filled with skilled professionals ready to assist you. Let us do the hard work and find the perfect match for your needs. That way, you can focus on what matters most.
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Tired of searching trustworthy service providers?

Online reviews are fake

Should be over 40% online reviews are fake. How will you find a reliable home service provider?

Inviting stranger to your home for contracting jobs

Every 15 seconds, a home burglary occurs in the United States. Keep you and your family safe by taking advantage of your extended buzz network.

Prevent Loss

Homeowners spent roughly $4,420 on typical home maintenance and emergencies in 2023. Be proactive about home maintenance
and avoid costly repairs with Buzz.

Connections that count

Reviews are coming from friends or friend's friend

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Reach out friend in case of more clarity

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Its easy to compare price and quality of work

Buzz expands it's search beyond your first degree of friends, providing visibility to more trusted and cheaper services.

Service provider records and reviews

Promptly record service information to maintain a reliable history and it helps to your friends can access for their immediate requirements.

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